

Resources included free with membership are denoted by the corresponding Membership Tier icon in the table below. Resources not included in the Membership Tier can be purchased at a discounted rate for members.

Available freeFree Student Micro Associate Business Plus Premium

Workplace Policies Member Non-Member

Leave Policy


No Smoking Policy


Performance & Misconduct Policy


Personal Grievance Policy


Personal Phone Calls at Work Policy


Personal Protective Equipment & Clothing (PPE) Policy


Probationary Employment Policy


Skin Protection Policy

Member Only

Social Media Policy


Vehicle Policy


COVID_19 Workplace Policy

Member Only

Ergonomic guide to computer based workstations


Attendance and Absenteeism Policy


Children in the Workplace Policy


Code of Conduct Policy


Dress Policy


Drug and Alcohol Policy


Electrical Safety Policy


Emergency Evacuation and Procedure


Employer Property Policy


Environmental Policy


Fatigue Management Procedure


Flexibility Policy


Housekeeping Policy


Internet & Email Policy


Whistle Blower Policy


WHS Policy


Workplace Bullying Policy


Workplace Camera Surveillance Notification


Vaccination Policy

Member Only

Privacy Policy

Member Only

Anti-Discrimination & EEO Policy

Member Only

Leave Without Pay Policy


Working from Home Policy


Implementing or updating a Policy Checklist

Member Only

Sexual Harassment Policy


Cash Handling Policy


Mental Health Policy


Parental Leave Policy
